Couplet 1 :

Do you find it hard to get up out of bed?
And you often wonder why
You know in your heart that something’s gotta change
It just can’t stay the same
Just remember that there’s someone who is always by your side

Refrain :

Strength for my journey
Peace in the storm
Light in the darkness
Path through the thorns
When it seems nobody cares
We got you

Couplet 2 :

Now my day is filled with happiness and joy
Cause I know where I come from
He is mine and I am his, that’s all I need
There’s beauty that I see
I remember that there’s someone who is always by my side


You. You. You
We got you

Paroles et musique : chanteurs de Jireh, Carol Bernard, Stephen Lewis, Matthew Dixon
Soliste : Matthew Dixon
Batterie : Ronny Desinor
Basse : Alexandre Paquette
Clavier : Alain-Pierre Eloi