Pure, kind, something I have inside of
Me, joy, unspeakable each time I
Think of everything, You’ve done in my life
It’s amazing
How I’m feeling
I don’t want this feeling to end

The only thing better in life is to be with you.
Real love.
Nothing is greater than this. All I want is you.
Real love.
The only thing better in life is to be with you.
Real love.
Nothing is greater than this. All I want is you.
That’s the way I’m feeling

My heart is overwhelmed by all your
Tenderness that makes me feel
Like nothing in this world
Can take the place of you
It’s amazing, how I’m feeling
I don’t want this feeling to end

None can compare
You’re always there
None can compare

Paroles et musique : Stephen Lewis pour Legacy Music House
Batterie : Ronny Desinor
Basse : Alexandre Paquette
Clavier : Ralph Télémaque
Orgue B3 : David Fortuné
Guitare : Madner Mitcheal Henry
Trompette : Hichem Khalfa
Saxophone : Alexandre Dion
Trombone : Matthieu Van Vliet