Refrain :

I lift up my hands to you
I lift up my voice to you
The first thing I need to do
Is lift up my hands to you

I lift up my heart to you
My mind to receive from you
Lord, liberate sovereign truth
I lift up my hands to you

Couplet 1 :

It’s me Lord. What shall I do?
I am lost without a clue
I’ve wandered for so long
Without you all is wrong
I surrender to you
I’m safe in your arms


I lift up my hands to you
I lift up my voice to you
The first thing I need to do
Is lift up my hands to you

I lift up my heart to you
My mind to receive from you
Lord, liberate sovereign truth
I lift up my hands to you

Couplet 2 :

Oh dear Lord, what shall I do?
I am lost without a clue
Your voice I long to hear
And see your face so near
I surrender to you
I’m safe in your arms


Paroles et musique : Medad Ernest
Solistes : Ana Joseph, Matthew Dixon
Batterie : Ronny Desinor
Basse : Alex Paquette
Clavier : Ralph Télémaque
Orgue B3 : David Fortuné
Guitare : Philippe L’Allier
Violons : Chantal Laurin, Pascale Gratton
Violon alto : Geneviève Overy
Violoncelle : Caroline Richard