Don’t be sad. Don’t dismay
The Father hears the words you pray
You may feel so alone but you’re not
What you’ve lost doesn’t match what He’s got
For those who put their trust in Him

He’ll be faithful, even when your faith is gone
Faithful, with love that keeps you holding on
Faithful, when you’re weak He will be strong
Trust in Him. He’s faithful.

Lift your head. Dry your tears
He’ll take away all of your fears
Through the storm He will be by your side
In the dark know that He’ll be your guide
If you just put your trust in Him

Paroles et musique : Rex Verzosa
Soliste : Luc Senat
Batterie : Ronny Desinor
Basse : Alexandre Paquette
Clavier : Ralph Télémaque
Orgue B3 : Kepler Jean-Baptiste
Guitare : Hubert Tremblay